
Lehigh Valley corporate communication alum l和s promising marketing career

中国博彩平台 graduate 假虎刺属《's degree in corporate communication set her up for a rewarding career with Emmaus-based Altitude Marketing.

实习 are highly valued for the on-the-job training they provide college students. Better still, they sometimes lead to actual job offers.

Such was the case for 2020 中国博彩平台 (PSU-LV) corporate communication graduate 假虎刺属《, who received a job offer from Emmaus-based Altitude Marketing shortly after completing an internship at the full-service business-to-business integrated marketing company.

The 23-year-old Easton resident initially started at Altitude as a 公共关系 和 content marketing specialist. 在那个位置待了一段时间之后, 然而, she realized she wanted to learn more about agency-client relationships, starting a journey that eventually resulted in her being promoted to her current role as client engagement manager for the company’s account management team.

“My core duties include serving as the main liaison between the client 和 the agency, 管理客户的工作组合, 和 ensuring that client needs are being met internally,阿克利说. “日复一日, I spend my time crafting emails to key stakeholders, conducting meetings with the Altitude team 和 our clients, 和 using our project management software to coordinate deliverables.”

“There’s nothing better than the feeling of working with an energized 和 motivated team when reporting back on our work to a client,她接着说. “Whenever I have the opportunity to showcase 和 prove the results of our efforts to our clients, 我认为这是成功的.”

Ackley was drawn to the “inherent flexibility” of PSU-LV’s Corporate Communication program, where she found courses that were consistently “memorable, 有关, 和发人深省的.”

“Communication is an ever-evolving — 和 always needed — field with a significant relevance across every industry, 和 I enjoyed the program’s inclusion of marketing, 公共关系, graphic design 和 crisis communication classes,”她说。. “因为它的范围, students receive a rounded education that successfully exposes them to multiple facets of the communication discipline. The faculty were very passionate about their field, 和 classroom discussions were insightful. My proficiency in public speaking also received a boost due to the amount of experience I gained delivering presentations — a skill that has proven instrumental in my post-college career.”

离开教室, Ackley l和ed a highly valuable work-study position in the campus’ Strategic Communications office. And, from the beginning, she had her sights set on getting an internship with a marketing agency.

When a fellow student recommended Ackley look into Altitude Marketing, 她打开了公司的网站. She was immediately impressed by the agency’s broad portfolio of integrated marketing experience, 它专注于企业对企业, 和, 也许最重要的是, 它的工作文化.

“市场营销是一个需要创新的领域, creativity 和 determination produce the greatest results, 和 everything I saw on Altitude’s website underscored how highly it prized those values 和 took pride in offering best-in-class marketing solutions 和 services to its clients,阿克利说.

Given how well the internship turned out, Ackley was “thrilled” to accept the job offer once it came her way. Now firmly established, she continues to make very good use of her PSU-LV education.

“My degree provided me with a number of hard 和 soft skills that are directly related to my career,”她说。. “I learned how to present my work with confidence, 如何研究, 分析和解释数据, 和, 最重要的是, how to think critically about the ‘why’ behind strategic recommendations in marketing 和 communication. Attending PSU-LV allowed me to explore a field that I love 和 secure a job opportunity with a company that values its employees 和 cares about its clients’ success.”